Paul Lavoie (
Wed, 15 Feb 1995 17:02:00 -0500 (EST)

> > On Mon, 13 Feb 1995, Dave Williss wrote:
> > 
> > > What is IFS, anyway?  I've seen it, but never anything to tell what it
> > > is, what it does, what IFS stands for.
> > 
> > Installable File System.  One of the uses is to, for example, put a large 
> > disk on one machine and have many others share it so that it is 
> > indistinguishable from a local disk if the link is fast enough.
> > 
> Wrong (in this context) thats NFS.
> IFS = international field seperator, traditionally a tab or space.
> Proff

  Actually, in this context it's AFS.

Paul R Lavoie                          
Locus Computing Corp.                            Voice: (617) 229-4980 
8 New England Exec Park   We are Microsoft.      Fax:   (617) 229-2969 
Burlington, Ma. 01803      OS/2 is irrelevant.
                           Unix is irrelevant.
                           Openness is futile.
                          Prepare to be assimilated.
                        - Anonymous Microsoft Marketeer